You can barely see a newspaper these days without having their mental calculation skills questioned. Under the guise of "mental gymnastics" to "mathematical challenge" or similar, we are presented with a series of additions to perform.
Depending on the choice of the newspaper, they can be quite easy or even impossible to realize in his head. However, there are times when math pays, or at least be able to approximate the totals.
In the supermarket today I bought six items, and the project seemed too high at £ 15.49 for them. On leaving the supermarket double checked and realized that was £ very high as they were charged twice by a battery, when I had purchased a single 2.88.
So the mental calculation, or at least approximate what the total would be in my head, I saved £ 2.88. These are the prices of what we actually purchased - what would your approach of all these as they were out there?
Magazine: £ 3.25; Battery: £ 2.88, greeting card: £ 1. 49, chocolate pastry £ 3.66,: Book £ 0.89,: 0.60 pounds